Tooth sensitivity: What are its causes and how to address them?

Tooth sensitivity brings sudden to long-lasting discomfort, even from just doing your daily routine activities such as eating or brushing. A lot of people who suffer from sensitive teeth disregard the risks and rely on getting help from medications. However, even if the pain goes away, you’ll never guarantee it won’t come back until you find the underlying reason. 

Find out the reasons that cause tooth sensitivity, and learn the best oral hygiene practices to deal with it.


Tooth Decay  

Tooth decay is one of the most common chronic diseases in Australia that can affect all ages. This type of dental problem often starts with poor oral hygiene, unhealthy diet, and an untreated cavity that creates a hole in your teeth.  

If left untreated, this hole can grow deeper and cause you more pain while eating away your tooth. If you’re experiencing tooth decay, consider getting dental fillings from Tindale Dental to stop it and avoid worsening the problem.  


Broken Tooth   

A broken tooth is one of the many kinds of dental emergencies that cause hypersensitivity and in need of immediate treatment to prevent further infection and health risks. When the tooth is broken, it is more exposed to bacteria, which can lead to tooth decay or worse, tooth loss.  

At Tindale Dental Centre in Perinth, we ensure that our patients receive the best possible care for their dental emergencies. So, if you have dental injuries like a broken tooth, don’t hesitate to book your appointment with us. 

High-acid food and beverages

Consuming high-level acid foods and beverages can cause dental erosion, which removes the minerals inside the structure of your tooth. The decaying bacteria can weaken your teeth making them more sensitive and causing toothaches.  

Maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle is important not just for your teeth but also for your overall well-being. If you feel like experiencing tooth erosion, don’t hesitate to book your dental check-up to get the right treatment and prevent it from getting worse. 


Brushing too hard  

Brushing your teeth properly is one of the most common oral hygiene practices to maintain a clean and healthy mouth. However, brushing too hard can slowly damage your enamel and cause gum recession, which leads to higher dental sensitivity.  


Use a soft bristle toothbrush and have regular dental check-ups to ensure that your teeth, gums, and mouth are healthy. 


Gum disease  

Over 80 percent of the population in Australia unknowingly suffers from gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Gum disease happens when bacteria in plaque grow and damage your teeth, leading to tooth loss. Having gum disease can also signify other serious health risks, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Gum disease is more likely to affect those people with poor dental hygiene. The oral hygiene educators at Tindale Dental provide a preventative dental care program to share the most effective methods for maintaining healthy gums.  


Dental Care in Perinth  

While many factors can trigger tooth sensitivity, it clearly gives you a signal that something might be wrong with your dental health. Good oral hygiene and regular dental visit can help you deal with tooth sensitivity and save you from future problems. Start your healthy oral journey today. Contact Tindale Dental at (02) 4726 5400 to schedule your appointment. 
