5 Signs That You Might Have Sleep Apnoea

Do you find yourself extra sleepy throughout the day? Perhaps a family member told you about snoring last night. Although you might assume that this is normal or simply because you are tired, it can be something else. People with sleep apnoea are often disrupted by sudden awakening at night, and sometimes, this happens without…


Mouthguard for Sleep Apnoea and Teeth Grinding

A mouthguard is a custom oral appliance used to prevent dental injuries such as broken teeth, inflamed gums, and many more. While mouthguards are common for sport activities, mouthguards can also help those who struggle with teeth grinding issues and sleep apnoea.  Sleep Apnoea and Teeth Grinding   Many people prefer a good night sleep after…

sleep apnoea

Don’t let sleep apnoea or snoring ruin your life

Do you still feel groggy even after a full night’s rest? Does your snoring disrupt the peace in your bedroom? Well, guess what? You might just be dealing with sleep apnoea!  What is sleep apnoea? Sleep apnoea is a common condition that affects millions of people around the world. It causes brief interruptions in your…

Sleep Apnoea

Sleep Apnoea

Our experienced Penrith dentists at Tindale Dental Centre understand sleep apnoea can cause quite a lot of concern if left untreated. Dr Emma Bond, one of the founding principal dentists has a dedicated interest in helping patients with their sleep apnoea concerns.  Symptoms of sleep apnoea could include loud snoring, disrupted sleep, daytime sleepiness and…

Sleep apnoea

Tired of being tired all the time?

Sleep apnoea is a common condition that involves disturbed sleep as a result of breathing disruptions.  Apnoea means the absence of breath. In the case of sleep apnoea an individual’s breathing can stop for anywhere between a few and 90 seconds, and they wake briefly. These episodes, which can happen many times a night, are…