Dental emergencies are unexpected and usually require immediate action. While you can’t see it coming, having enough knowledge of what to do in this kind of situation may save you from stress and prevent further damage to your teeth. In this blog, we will guide you through the things you need to know in case…
Do not delay seeking treatment for emergency dental issues
When you experience tooth pain or suffer a dental injury it is essential that you seek emergency dental treatment as soon as possible. But how do you know what is considered a dental emergency? Read on to find out. Dental emergencies in Penrith If you are experiencing the following issues, you have a dental…
What causes a toothache?
A toothache is just awful. You can’t see it, it doesn’t go away on its own and you can’t massage it like a muscle knot. It’s also a loud indicator of a problem that requires immediate attention from a dentist. Our Tindale Dental Centre in Penrith offers emergency dental appointments in these cases. Please call…
Dental Emergency – what to do?
There are several things that might fall into the category of ‘dental emergency’. At Tindale Dental Centre in Penrith we consider the top three incidents to be: A knocked-out adult tooth A chipped, cracked or broken tooth A toothache We’ve heard all the elaborate ‘old wives tales’ about what to do in a dental emergency…