Nervous about the dentist? Try sleep dentistry!

Sleep dentistry for nervous patients…

Sleep dentistry can assist patients who feel nervous about going to the dentist.

Harvard Medical School estimates up to 24% of people have dental fear, which is why many dentists (us included!) offer sleep dentistry.  


Sleep dentistry 

Also called sedation dentistry, sleep dentistry is one of the best solutions for those with a fear of the dentist. 


How sedation dentistry works 

Under the care of Tindale’s experienced dental team, you will be placed in a dream-like state under IV sedation, allowing our gentle dentists to perform the dental care you need. You will feel no pain and have little to no memory of the treatment. And one of our specialist doctors is present throughout your entire dental procedure to monitor your vitals.  


Pain-free dental treatments 

Often patients seek out sleep dentistry because they have had a painful or traumatic experience at the dentist. With sedation dentistry, you can have complex dental treatments performed and not remember a thing. Imagine waking up feeling refreshed and having all your dental issues attended to pain-free while sleeping.  


Who is sedation dentistry for? 

Anyone anxious, nervous or afraid of the dentist or dental treatments can try to sleep dentistry. For instance, if the thought of getting your teeth cleaned sends you cowering in the closet, or you would rather endure the agony of a toothache than step foot in a dental office in the Highlands, then sedation dentistry is for you. Young, old, and everyone in between, sleep dentistry can be used on just about everyone.  


Sleep Dentistry in Penrith NSW 

If you are curious if sleep dentistry is right for you, contact Tindale’s compassionate dental team for a no-obligation discussion. At Tindale Dental, we “service the nervous” making sure everyone receives dental care. We know that people’s fear of the dentist can be a huge obstacle to receiving dental care, and we want to change that gentle dental care.  


Contact us at (02) 4726 5400 to request an appointment to discuss how sleep dentistry is right for you. Please mention you are anxious about visiting so our patient coordinators can equip you with the information you need to make your first dental visit as stress-free as possible.  


Servicing people in Penrith, South Penrith, Jamisontown, Kingswood and beyond who are anxious about their dental care.